Running 300k Around New Zealand In November to tackle Mens Mental Health #SparkThatChat

Running 300k Around New Zealand In November to tackle Mens Mental Health #SparkThatChat

Men’s mental health is a massive issue in New Zealand and one that is only getting worse with suicide rates at an all time high. I have decided to use my clothing brand, Beaver Holland and my social media platforms to gain awareness and raise money towards movember by running 300km around New Zealand this November. This isn’t going to be easy for me but neither is speaking out for lots of people. I have teamed up with MSFT Productions and companies around the country that will be on my top that I wear during this journey. Don’t be afraid to speak up, talk to a mate about something, I’m sure they’re going through stuff too so you can relate. Never feel like a burden. I will be selling tees, hosting gigs  So make sure you follow the Facebook, Insta Tiktok to stay tuned and join me in my journey across the country! #sparkthatchat

Code-Movember-For $20 off Tees 

All Tee Funds Straight into Givealittle !

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